As you know, our Executive Director, John Somes will be leaving our Chamber to embark on the next stage of his outstanding career. John joined us about 8 years ago at a time when this Chamber was in dire need of strong, smart and affective leadership. John brought that leadership and is now leaving our Chamber stronger than it has ever been.
As President it is my responsibility to see this transition through. We now have a search committee who will soon be in process of building a game plan and a timeline.
Our objective will be to find the very best person we can from, what I expect, will be many interested people. Though it would be best to have our new Director ready to go when John begins his new opportunity we may not have a decision by then. Robin Foster, Assistant Executive Director, has agreed to serve as interim Director if need be.
It is important for you to know that our Chamber is very strong with several programs already lined up for 2018. Our budget, due to great management, from John and Robin is strong and our membership continues to grow.
As soon as we have made a decision I will get the word out to all our members.
When you see John in your travels please thank him for the outstanding job he has done!!!!!!