How/Why did you first start or join your business?
I started working at the Cambridge Family YMCA a few years out of College and I later transferred to the Danvers YMCA. I have always been a BIG fan of the Y’s and what they do for the communities they serve. Currently I have been involved with Y’s for over 20 years by volunteering or working.
What products or services does your business provide?
The Danvers YMCA provides a number of services for all ages from infant to seniors. We offer Safety Around Water programs such as swimming lessons, CPR/First Aid certifications, Lifeguards and Water Safety classes, Wellness Programs, Childcare, Summer Camps, Youth Center, Cardio/Wellness Center, Youth Nights, Family Nights, Youth Sports, Adult Recreation, STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) Parkinsons Programs, Cancer Support, Financial Aid, Social Activities, Job Readiness for Teens, Adult Fitness Classes, Senior Wellness Classes, Fundraisers and much more…..
What makes your business or your product unique?
We work closely with the communities we serve. We support the local economy by training and employing over 120 staff of all ages and we shop locally. As a non profit we offer programs, membership and classes for everyone. We do not turn anyone away. If you can’t afford lessons, summer camp, membership etc… we will make it happen.
What made you decide to become a member of the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce?
Very impressed with what the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce does. They have always been there for all businesses and they support the communities they serve. Great staff and amazing volunteers. The events are fun and its a great way to make business connections and friends.
How has the current situation with Covid-19 affected your business, and what changes have you made due to the situation?
COVID-19 has affected fitness and wellness centers across the state. Membership and Programs were greatly affected. Now that the state has adjusted some of the restrictions, we are seeing membership and programs increasing. In return, Our Y is offering more programs that focus on health and wellness. We supported the local schools by offering Remote Learning Centers when the schools were closed. We offered FREE memberships to essential workers, offered virtual classes for youth and adults, delivered food to families in need, ran blood drives, and made wellness calls to our senior members. We continue to make a difference during these difficult times by offering financial assistance to those who cannot afford childcare, summer camps or memberships. In 2021 we will be re-opening our Youth Center with a focus on Safety Around Water Programs (Lifeguard Classes, Swimming Lessons, CPR/FA/AED) and Youth At Risk programs (Open Gym, Personal Training for Youth, Games Room, Field Trips and Daily Youth Programs).
If you’d like to contact John, you can email him at [email protected] or call him at 978-774-2055